/ Events / Philosophy Symposium

Philosophy Symposium

This symposium is driven by the desire to have some of the greatest thinkers in chiropractic share with their peers their latest philosophical ideas and concepts.

Simon Senzon

Phil McMaster

Bruce Lipton

Chris Ramsay

Check out this video from event host, Chris Ramsay, on what to expect on the day.

We will end the day with a discussion panel providing an open arena where ideas can be discussed and developed.


Simon Senzon

Step into the fascinating world of chiropractic philosophy and discover the intriguing history of the chiropractic triune! In this captivating presentation, you’ll explore the origins and evolution of this pivotal aspect of chiropractic thought, as presented in Simon Senzon’s ground-breaking chapter in the latest must-read book, The Triune of Life: Reggie Gold’s Philosophical Legacy (2022).

Through engaging discussion and thought-provoking analysis, you’ll uncover the deep philosophical roots of the chiropractic triune and gain a fresh appreciation for its enduring relevance in the modern world. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of chiropractic theory and expand your horizons in this exciting and dynamic field!

About Simon Senzon

Simon Senzon is a social scientist, historian, philosopher and one of the most prolific authors in the chiropractic profession. With over 25 years of research on the history and philosophy of chiropractic, his work has resulted in more than 30 peer-reviewed papers, the publication of 18 volumes of chiropractic books, numerous articles and lectures, and a reputation as an internationally renowned chiropractic thought leader.

Simon’s eclectic and expansive knowledge is informed by his Masters in philosophy from Goddard College, Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College, and his recently completed PhD in chiropractic from Southern Cross University. His PhD thesis pioneers a novel analysis of the chiropractic identity literature, illuminating a new path forward for the future of chiropractic research.

Simon is the founder of The Institute Chiropractic (TIC), through which he teaches chiropractors and chiropractic students worldwide a depth of context for the history and philosophy of chiropractic by utilizing the Integral Approach developed by Ken Wilber.

In addition to his prolific writing and academic career, Simon is a practicing chiropractor, specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, with his wife Susan in Asheville, North Carolina, where they live with their three children.

Phil McMaster

There is a strong correlation between adaptation, adaptability and resilience. Join Dr McMaster in revisiting these concepts from a chiropractic philosophical view with an emphasis on how chiropractic can bolster the resilience of individuals and their whole communities.

About Phil McMaster

Dr Phil McMaster DC, ACP, a.k.a ‘The Chiropractic Commando’ is the immediate past President of the New Zealand College of Chiropractic and a well-respected chiropractor and leader. Dr McMaster graduated from Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic in 1985 and maintained a large subluxation focused practice in Taupo, New Zealand until July of 2013.

Phil was part of the initial NZCA led formation group of the College, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for 10 years and Chairman of the NZCC Philosophy department and lead lecturer for 27 years.

A strong visionary, Dr McMaster has presented globally on the philosophy of chiropractic.

Bruce Lipton

Advances provided through the emerging fields of epigenetics and quantum physics illuminate a revolutionary vision of life science that exposes the formerly hidden connections between biology and vitalism. Bruce’s illustrated and thought-provoking presentation introduces a long-awaited paradigm shift in the biomedical sciences that validates D.D. Palmer’s vitalistic model of health.

A philosophical revision of science, relevant to health and healing, fully implicates chiropractic’s role in navigating civilization through these turbulent times. The information on the “new biology” provided in this presentation can be used to enhance your professional practice and as importantly, your personal life.

About Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., author of the bestseller The Biology of Belief, is a former allopathic medical school professor and research scientist. His pioneering stem cell research provides a scientific foundation that confirms the principles of D. D. Palmer’s chiropractic philosophy. Dr. Lipton is currently a visiting lecturer at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic.

Chris Ramsay

Chris is excited to host our inaugural philosophy symposium. He has brought his passion for, and commitment to, chiropractic principles to the role of HOD Philosophy at the College. A graduate of the College, Chris has been part of the NZCC teaching team since 2017 and was appointed HOD Philosophy in 2021. Chris combines his experience in practice over the past decade with his deep understanding of the philosophical principles that chiropractic was founded upon to inspire students on their journey towards becoming the world’s best chiropractors.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn and be inspired. Register now!


Registration fee includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.