/ Dr Imran Khan Niazi Appointed to the World Federation of Chiropractic Research Committee

Dr Imran Khan Niazi Appointed to the World Federation of Chiropractic Research Committee

We're proud to announce that Dr Imran Khan Niazi, Laboratory and Research Partnership Manager at the Centre for Chiropractic Research (CCR) at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, has been appointed a member of the WFC Research Committee.

He has worked for the CCR for the last eight years, and he has a wealth of experience and knowledge about investigating the neurophysiological effects of chiropractic care. Dr Niazi is also integral in fostering research collaborations worldwide and is currently working on 12 international research projects.

The WFC Research Committee serves as a body advising the WFC Board on matters relating to the science and research relevant to chiropractic practice. With his skills, expertise, and experience, Dr Niazi is well-positioned to make a valuable contribution to the WFC Research Committee and will bring a strong neurological focus to research discussions.

We congratulate him on this significant achievement.