Resources and links
NZCA Centennial Library

Library Services
The Library provides resources and services to support the teaching, learning and research needs of all staff and students.

Search the library catalogue for books, journals, CDs, and DVDs and other material.
Hosting events on campus

Read our guide for running a student event
Your complete guide and checklist for running an event on campus or other site.

Book a room or space for an event
Many lecture theatres and campus spaces are able to be booked for your next event.

Help me organise my event
While we can’t necessarily run your event, we’re here to support your where we can. This includes guidance around best practice, tips for making your event the best it can be, and managing license or permit requirements.

Help me promote my event
Get the word around our campus community.
New Zealand Chiropractic Students’ Association (NZCSA)
The NZCSA is committed to making your NZCC experience is the best it can possible be. For more information, to stay connected and view a list of upcoming events, visit the NZCSA website.